You won’t believe it but  in complete stealth mode these misfits snuck on over to Alissa Bilskies place. 

Alissa Bilskie is known for lifting others up with love and compassion. She loves first and asks questions later. Alissa is secretly known for helping others up when the burden was just to much for them to do it on their own. Her good character and slight goofiness is sure to put a smile on anyones face and love in their heart. Her kindness is contagious and generosity is not lacking in the least. 😁

What happens when we realize the yard is a shared area?  We make a sign that she can hang on her wall inside instead. By the looks of it, I think it’s safe to say she loves signs. Alissa here is an awesome sign that is a token of our appreciation for all you do.  We Love you. Keep it up, your awesomeness. Your community has recognized your Signs of Compassion. 
Good Job-e- ChemoSaub-e-Thank you.