Do-gooder Profile Barbara Sietzinger Holscher

I am six year old Lexi and I want to recommend my “bestie” Barbara Sietzinger Holscher to receive a sign recognizing her for the compassion she has for all people.

She is an amazing person. She volunteers at the cancer center and is always making cupcakes for the Firefighters. 
She also helps with the Relay for Life every year, among many other things she does for her community.

She does everything she can to help someone out. I would like her to receive a sign for all that she does. I just know she will love it and she truly deserves it. 

Did I mention we are “Besties”. 

Barbara Seitzinger Holscher you have been recognized by your community for your “Signs of Compassion”. We appreciate you and have much love for you. 

Thank you for all you do and your many “Signs of Compassion”.