Our team was blessed to surprise Chris Woods today. Chris is such a kind delightful soul. He touched each one of our hearts today in such a short time. Richard Hall nominated Chris for his outstanding community involvement demonstrated through loving compassion to other people everywhere.

Chris was an integral part of getting the Celebrate Recovery group started at Thursday Church in Bicknell on Tuesday nights. He is a retired substance abuse counselor and has a MS in Psychology. He has worked in Dubois ,Martin, Orange and Daviess Counties and retired from Samaritan Center here in Knox County.

He currently helps to preach on Sundays at both the Freelandville Nursing Home (Freelandville Community Home) and the Oaktown Nursing Home (Oak Village).  He also visits these places throughout the week spreading God's love and praying with patients in the homes.  He spends a lot of his time in prayer and meditation and maintains an ongoing prayer list for the hurt and sick members of our community. 

Chris used to teach Sunday School at the Westphalia Salem United Church of Christ.  He attends several different churches but considers Mariah Creek his home church.  He goes to Bible Studies daily throughout the week and is always a big contributor with words and literature.

If you happen to see this humble soul out and about, let him know that you seen him on the Signs of Compassion Facebook Page. Lift him up & thank him for the amazing compassion he has shown others, because he truly deserves it. 

Chris Woods your community has recognized your wonderful Signs of Compassion. We could all learn a thing or two about compassion from you. Thank you, we love you.