Do-gooder Profile

Dedra Lewis

Meet Dedra Lewis. She is the image of a compassionate person. Dedra lives and teaches the the Fruits of the Spirit. Her love for Jesus is undeniable. Her willingness to help others is unending. Dedra is the children’s director at First Baptist Church Vincennes where she has lead countless children to Christ. She headed many Share Your Summer Service Projects, Loving God, Serving Others. Share Your Summer is a series of community service projects for kids and their families. They have made teddy bears for the Vincennes Fire Department to pass out to children who lost all their toys in a fire. They have also made pet toys to pass out to the unfortunate pets housed at the Vincennes Pet Port. 

Dedra Lewis you have been recognized by your community for your “Signs of Compassion”. We love you. Because of you this world is a better place.Thank you...