Doug and Nancy Hazelman. It seems as if you two have become mentors to everyone you meet. You guys make recovering from addiction more accessible and attainable as you lead by example inspiring others to do the same. 

Just at the point when all others have given up and considered an addicts life hopeless, Doug and Nancy climb down into to the pit of addiction to help show them the way out.

Doug and Nancy have both over come addiction and continue to carry the message, especially to the still suffering addict. They both realize the therapeutic value of one addict helping another and live that out in there everyday lives. 

Everyone is generally connected to a recovering or still suffering addict. When you loved your addict; son, daughter, father, mother, friend cousin, nephew, niece or other loved one, so much that you had to cut them loose, someone like Doug and Nancy were there to love them enough to help bring them back to you. 

Let’s all lift them up because 

Help us show them some love and compassion. If they have influenced you in a positive way lets here about it. 

Doug Hazelman 
Nancy Hazelman 

Thank you for all you do in our community. You mean so much to so many. We know there are some people out there who never even realize the heart and love it took to bring their loved ones back from addiction. Teaching them how to live life on life’s terms, the tears, the pain, the love, the stories, the sleepless nights, the meetings, the love lost, the fears and the hope restored. 

We love you, 
Thank you for your
“Signs of Compassion”