Year after year Joe Black has sought after the less fortunate and under privileged children of our community to be a positive role model. Joe has influenced these kids and offered them opportunities they may have never had.

No matter how rowdy these kids get Joe always shows up and brings hope, kindness and love with him. 

Joe always shows up. Whether it’s to go to Church where these kids learn how to let their light shine or for a trip to have fun and unwind.
Joe even invites the parents to come along without charge,  which is never heard of, to fun places like; The Shrine Circus, Holiday World, Ice Skating, the Arcade and even to help hand out food baskets to those in need. 

During the Christmas season You’ll even find Joe Black taking a bus load of kids to the Evansville mall to go Shopping for some very special Christmas gifts. 

So many children have been loved and lifted up throughout the years because of the huge efforts put forth by this one man. 

Joe Black your community recognizes your Signs of Compassion.


Thank you. We love you.