Do-gooder Profile . Pete Haskins

How fitting it is that the first yard sign we “planted”, was snuck into Peter Haskins yard this evening. Pete is the Leader over the Knox County L.A.M. Program where they help recovering addicts learn how to live life on life’s terms. Pete gets down in the trenches where he meets many recovering addicts at their lowest, jail. L.A.M. also has two living recovery homes, male/female, as a safe entryway into “LIFE” when one gets released from jail. Pete was there in my recovery, showing compassion, when everyone else, including myself, gave up and thought I was a lost cause... Things have turned around for me ever since and he has shown GREAT compassion to many many many other recovering addicts, just like me... I wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for Peter Haskins having the heart of Christ living inside him and demonstrating “Signs of Compassion” to all.
Thank you Peter Haskins for your signs of compassion.
We love you !!!